
This document describes the tags available for use in the programs configuration file and the available attributes.



An automated performance capture and reporting tool.

Valid children: csvreporter chartreporter velocityreporter abtester csvtester command list range

Child of: None

Name Type Description Default



Writes a report to a CSV file. The first line is a header containing the names of all of the independant variables, followed by the name of the result point. The following lines are the samples in order.

Valid children: None

Child of: perfcap

Name Type Description Default
filter String The property from the test results. If unset, serialises the whole result object as a Base64 string. None
out String Name of the file to write to. If unset, writes to stdout. None


Generates a XY chart with multiple series from the input data.

Valid children: None

Child of: perfcap

Name Type Description Default
width int Width of the output image in pixels. 400
height int Height of the output image in pixels. 300
title String Title to place on the chart. Chart Title
XAxisTitle String Title of the X (horizontal) axis. X
YAxisTitle String Title of the Y (vertical) axis. Y
filter String The property from the test results. None
out String Name of the file to write to. None


Generates an arbitrary report using a user defined Velocity template. The available variables are:

  • root - Top level of a tree of Maps containing all of the results. The map is indexed by variable name.
  • names - List of all of the variable names in order.
  • values - List of Lists of all of the values a variable took in order received.

Valid children: None

Child of: perfcap

Name Type Description Default
filter String The property from the test results. If unset, the leaf is the whole Results object. None
template String The template file name to process. report.vm
out String Name of the file to write to. If unset, writes to stdout. None



Tests a HTTP server using ApacheBench.

Valid children: None

Child of: perfcap

Name Type Description Default
keepAlive boolean Enable using HTTP keep-alive during the test. true
keepAlive int Alternative way of enabling keep-alive. Use with an integer variable that changes between 0 and non-zero. 1
concurrent int The number of concurrent connections to use with the server. 10
timeLimit int Time in seconds to run the test for. 1
url String The URL to test against.
cmd String The command to use to run ApacheBench, in Message format form. The arguments are:
  • 0 - The URL
  • 1 - Concurrent connections
  • 2 - Run time
  • 3 - '-k' if keep-alive should be used.
ab -c {1,number,#} -t {2,number,#} {3} {0}


'Tests' using previously recorded data. This tester can import data previously recorded using the CSVReporter including de-serialising the recorded results.

Valid children: None

Child of: perfcap

Name Type Description Default
source String The file to read the data from. None
perfCap PerfCap Attach to the top level runner. None



A 'Variable' that actually starts a background process.

Valid children: None

Child of: perfcap list

Name Type Description Default
dir String The working directory to run from. The current directory.
startupCmd String The Runtime.exec command to run to start the process. None
shutdownCmd String The Runtime.exec command to run to stop the process. If not set, defaults to killing the process. None
waitFor String The regex string that signifies that the process has started. None
startDelay int The time in ms to wait for the process to start. 1000
name String The name to identify this process as. Also returned as the value. Command


Variable that combines the output from many sub variables.

Valid children: command list range

Child of: perfcap list

Name Type Description Default
name String The name to identify this variable. X


Integer variable that goes from a start to an end value at a certain step.

Valid children: None

Child of: perfcap list

Name Type Description Default
name String The name to identify this variable. X
start int Start/initial value. 0
end int Final, inclusive value. 10
step int Step to increment this value as. May be negative. 1