Uses of Interface

Packages that use Interceptor

Uses of Interceptor in juju.reattore.server.http

Methods in juju.reattore.server.http that return Interceptor
 Interceptor HttpMediator.getInterceptor()
          Get the top level interceptor a client should serve against.

Methods in juju.reattore.server.http with parameters of type Interceptor
 void HttpServer.addChild(Interceptor inter)
          Configures the top level interceptor.

Constructors in juju.reattore.server.http with parameters of type Interceptor
HttpMediator(CombinedReactor reactor, Interceptor intercept)
          Create a new mediator.

Uses of Interceptor in juju.reattore.server.intercept

Subinterfaces of Interceptor in juju.reattore.server.intercept
 interface CachableInterceptor
          An interceptor that generates results that can be cached.

Uses of Interceptor in juju.reattore.server.intercept.impl

Classes in juju.reattore.server.intercept.impl that implement Interceptor
 class AutoIndexInterceptor
          An interceptor that will generate a pretty index of the requested directory.
 class CachingInterceptor
          Interceptor that may cache the response from a lower level interceptor.
 class DelegatingInterceptor
          Interceptor that delegates to child interceptors in the order that they were added.
 class ErrorInterceptor
          Interceptor that serves an error document if the main path can't find anything.
 class FallbackErrorInterceptor
          Last chance error handler that returns a simple HTML page.
 class FileInterceptor
          Interceptor that serves up files.
 class PartitioningInterceptor
          Interceptor that hands off to a different child interceptor based on the original request.
 class StatInterceptor
          Very simple statistics servlet.
 class VelocityInterceptor
          Interceptor that serves a Apache Velocity based template.

Methods in juju.reattore.server.intercept.impl that return Interceptor
 Interceptor Target.getChild()
          PENDING: getChild

Methods in juju.reattore.server.intercept.impl with parameters of type Interceptor
 void Target.addChild(Interceptor inter)
          PENDING: addChild
 void PartitioningInterceptor.add(java.lang.String path, Interceptor inter)
          Add a new child that handles 'path' and below.
 void ErrorInterceptor.addChild(Interceptor child)
          Accessor to help Digester configuration.
 void ErrorInterceptor.setMainPath(Interceptor path)
          Sets the root of the main path to go through.
 void ErrorInterceptor.setErrorPath(Interceptor path)
          Sets the root of the error path to go through.
 void DelegatingInterceptor.addChild(Interceptor child)
          Adds a new child to delegate to.
 void CachingInterceptor.addChild(Interceptor child)
          Set the child to cache.

Copyright © 2002-2003 Michael Hope. All Rights Reserved.